Stella Boyle Smith Concert Hall
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Little Rock, Arkansas
Project Details
4,000 square foot Concert Hall
1,000 square foot Art Gallery
ASID Excellence in Design Bronze Award
The Stella Boyle Smith Concert Hall in the Fine Arts Building on the University of Arkansas at Little Rock campus was designed by WD&D in 1975 and had not been renovated in 35 years. In 2010, the WER team was tasked with renovating the facility.
Renovations included replacing the worn furniture and updating finishes, upgrading the lighting and audio-visual equipment, and providing a temperature and humidity controlled environment for the University’s two prized Steinway concert grand pianos - all while being careful not to adversely affect the renown acoustics of the Hall itself.
In addition, WER handled extensive remodeling of the building lobby, ticket booth, art gallery, restrooms, conference room and outdoor garden, which is visible through a glass wall behind the Concert Hall stage.