Southwest Power Pool Corporate Headquarters
Little Rock, Arkansas
Project Details
176,000 sq. ft.
ASID Excellence in Interior Design Gold Award – Campus Headquarters
ASID Excellence in Interior Design Gold Award – Breakroom
ASID Ovation Award For Commercial Design Project Of The Year
SPP is a non-profit organization that manages the critical infrastructure of the electric grid for nine states and operates at a tier 3 data level with 24/7/365 operations. WER was charged with designing a campus, creating a facility that fit their high-tech and secure mission and creating a professional and collaborative working environment.
The Corporate Campus is Certified LEED Gold. The project includes high efficiency chillers and energy recovery units for advanced energy savings. 90% of the project has underfloor air distribution for efficiency/flexibility and personal comfort. Office building lighting controls include occupancy sensors and daylight harvesting with stepped dimming allowing the entire building to be lit with only .88 watts per sq. ft.
All executive offices, managerial offices and supervisor offices, were created with moveable furniture system walls. Furnishings throughout the building emphasize various working, collaboration, team, private and community zones.
Multiple conference scenarios are possible with a seating capacity of over 900 provided at various team, conference and auditorium spaces throughout the building.