WER Is A Leader In The Field For Storm Shelter Design

The WER team has extensive experience in designing storm shelters, having designed both FEMA 361 Safe Rooms and ICC 500 Storm Shelters. We work closely with our clients, and local building officials, to determine the district and schools needs, alternative uses for the space and review funding options - creating a hardened space that will keep your students and staff safe.

We have been fortunate to speak across the southern states about our experience and knowledge in designing storm shelters for K-12 campuses. For more information on the latest code requirements and new Arkansas State legislative laws regarding storm shelters, you can download the PDF here. We are always here to answer questions and assist your district in anyway.

WER Storm Shelter Requirements: Protecting Arkansas Schools free download

The Jacksonville Elementary cafeteria doubles as a storm shelter for the entire school population. Windows are open during the day and have shelter shades that cover windows when in a shelter in place order is issued.

The Indoor Gym at Bobby Lester Elementary School, in Jacksonville, doubles as a storm shelter.

WER worked with Conway Public Schools and designed a storm shelter for each of their school campuses.

Each storm shelter at Conway has natural light and the ability to cover all windows during a shelter in place order.

Kate Dimitrova